Kompass – Zeitung für Piraten

China: WOW-Themepark und “nationales e-sport center” eröffnet

Die Chinesen träumen von ihrem digitalen Hollywood: Während hierzulande von Killerspielen und restriktivstem Jugendschutz gefaselt wird, zieht China in Changzhou ein digitales Zentrum inklusive Freizeitpark, e-sport- und Kongresszentrum hoch: “World Joyland” (环球动漫嬉戏谷, Huánqiú Dòngmàn Xīxì Gǔ). Shanghaiist war vor Ort:

They’ve also built enormous gaming and technology R&D facilities on the park premises, including the National E-Sports Competition Center(!!!), International Anime-and-Game Expo Pavilion, Anime-and-Game Technology and Derivatives R&D Park, and a Digital Technology High-end Professionals Training Center.

Because they obviously didn’t purchase the rights to use characters and names from Blizzard, the Warcraft park is instead “Terrain of Magic” and Starcraft is humorously mislabeled the “Universe of Starship.”